From the Editor

Storms and Start-Ups


From snow days and schedule changes, to blockbuster hits and new features, we are excited to finally get back to you with brand new stories in our first issue of 2019!

Breaking from its usual reputation as being the lull in our calendars, or the low after the holiday excitement, these first months of the year have been anything but boring. Seen in our coverage of Bell Let’s Talk Day by Grace Corriero, or Student Confessions by Kayla Fonte and Brennah Hudson, and so much more, these pages are not only filled with curious narratives, but also an optimistic look into the year to come!

In our latest issue of The Storm, we are especially excited to share with you our newest feature, the Eye of The Storm. Just as every storm has a powerful centre, or eye, that pushes it forward, so does our school community, and newspaper.

Here at The Storm, we recognize that at the centre of all our stories, the eye of our Storm, are impactful individuals that take our school community forward as well. Highlighting exceptional members of our school community, our newest regular feature shines the spotlight on students who do just that. This month, meet Francesca who, through her art, tells important stories, and gives insight to aspiring artists.

Most importantly, this issue shows that these first few months are more than just failed resolutions (see Mario Russo’s coverage on the longevity of these goals) and countless snow days (although no one’s complaining about those). Instead, they’re for truly evaluating our goals, and making the very most of the months to come.

Melissa Gatti

-Editor of The Storm


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